Office of Marketing

Campus light pole with WSU flag on it and University Hall and Ely Campus Center behind it.

As trusted stewards of the Westfield State University brand, we're responsible for promoting the University's stories. Our office uses best practice strategies to work with our clients to consistently use the University's identity and message across a variety of platforms.

What is a brand?

A brand is an organization's unique identity and viewpoint that conveys its spirit and mission. When used at its optimal performance level, an organization can build connections with many audiences by ensuring that interactions are purposeful and informed.

At Westfield State University our brand focuses on providing an accessible, quality, higher education with a shared vision of our commitment to student engagement and success.

What is the importance of a brand?

The University's brand is one of our most important assets since it allows for consistency‌ ‌in‌ ‌our message, the way we speak, and the impression we make on others. 

You are Part of our Brand's Success

Materials intended for an external audience need to be reviewed, designed, and approved by marketing before they can be printed, produced, posted, or distributed. This extends to all mediums, including print, digital, video, and web. 

Visual brand Guidelines

Looking to Submit a Request or Attend a Training Session?

The process of communicating your message and reaching your target audience can be time-consuming and complex. Our in-house team of professionals have experience in marketing strategy, branding, visual design, copyediting, photography, and videography, as well as communicating with your target audience on the web and through social media.


Submit a Marketing & Communication Project Brief

Social Media Strategy Session

Constant Contact & Canva Setup and Training

If you're interested in serving as a website content manager to have access to pages for your area, please contact Kylie Hensley at to schedule a meeting. We'll discuss access needs to ensure alignment with our office's strategic web initiatives.

If you’re looking to update your directory listing, please visit our FAQ site for next steps.

Office Resources